A lot of people have been asking me when Season 2 of “Hiccups” will be released on DVD or VOD or various other three-lettered methods of viewing shows electronically at your convenience. Many of these queries have come to me via Twitter, which often isn’t the best place to respond to a question, due to its limit of characters allowed. If I just said “Because, that’s why!” it would sound kind of glib and jerky. I’m certainly not above being glib and/or jerky, but the actual answer requires a bit more room for explanation. So here goes:
I – as content creator – do not control the distribution of the show. The distribution falls into the hands of a distributor. (…Now that I see those words in print, it makes a lot of sense.) So the distributor has the right to shop the show around and figure out where and how to sell the show. Netflix? DVD? Some other thing I haven’t heard of? It’s entirely up to them. Now, we had shot Season 2 of Hiccups without a distributor in place, and it was all done and broadcast before a deal was made. However, a deal has now been made with a distributor, and they have begun the process of deciding how they want to get those next thirteen episodes into your hot little hands. I suspect, from initial conversations, that it will be released in a number of ways – DVD being just one of them. That information will probably be forthcoming in the next couple months, and when it does, I will be Twittering the hell out of it. So keep your eyes and ears open. As we used to say back at assassin training camp, “Stay sharp and make good decisions!!!”
If you want to be the first to get that info (and other info) ahead of anyone else, you can always sign up for my email newsletter here on this site (one of those yellow links near the top of this page, at the right… it says “Join the Mailing List”… up & over there >>>). I’m not a crazy spam-bot type of guy, so I won’t be inundating you with a bunch of useless stuff. That’s what social media is for! I will only use the email for actual news. (And I’ll never share your email with anyone… ever… never… forever. Promise.)
Fondest of regardings,
– BB

There was a little note that said, “No one has left any feedback yet, so why don’t you go ahead and break the seal… ”
I tried to break the seal, but he said he was already broke and swam away.
Someone else will have to fix it.
Has your show hiccups been cancelled? I have not seen it played on ctv or comedy. Plus Dan for mayor has been cancelled, I believe. I have come up with a new show called nuts and bolts it would star you, your wife and Dan . You two and Dan would be neighbors. You and Dan would be builders who use nuts and bolts. Your wife would be a baby sitter and every evening you three would go to city bars and Dan would search for wimmen. You and your wife would try hooking him up and he’d act silly sometimes fail at getting dates but most often he’d get dates. Some nights he’d have dates at his house for supper TV, visiting,and of course sex. You and your wives bedroom back Dan’s bedroom window
So both windows face each other and both households can hear each other making out.
So it’s all about dating,romance,friendship,work,hanging out,laughter,etc. Dan would also build models in his garage make mistakes and you Brent would watch and help him.
I was sad when I learned that they cancelled Hiccups. I really enjoyed her hiccups!!! I hope you’ll have a new show in the upcoming years. I followed Corner Gas and bought the entire series on DVD. I also bought Hiccups season 1 and I can’t wait to put my hand on the second season. Thank you for the great entertainment Brent.
Hi, Mr. Butt. Just tried to sign up for e-mail updates in the little box up at the top right, but it just ate it up and says it’s “loading.”
LOVED Corner Gas and also Hiccups! I’ve seen the episodes of CG so many times I can almost do the dialog before the actor does.
By the way, I’m from just north of Detroit (OK, you’re from Canada so I’ll do it bi-lingually — “Du-Twah.” Can’t receive CTV here, but can get CBC from Windsor, Ontario. Anyway, been enjoying the DVDs of Corner Gas, and had to get Hiccups by … er.. alternate means, since it’s not on DVD.
Anyway, love all that you do. Next to you, Wanda is my favorite character, and apparently yours, too, since you went and married her (well, Nancy Robertson).
Hope you can get me enrolled in your online updates.
Neil Zechman (I love spelling it for Canadians because I can say “Zed”).
Hey, I know that you are not the one to bother to get hiccups 2 on DVD, but would you mind telling us who we should be bothering and how to reach them? Figure if we bug them enough they’ll eventually release it.
I live in Las Vegas Nv. and discovered CornerGas by accident one day while watching WGN on cable. It quickly became my favorite sit-com. I was disappointed when the show came to an end but I did buy all 6Dvd’s. I think Hiccups was another great show although it did not appear on American tv to my knowledge. I have purchased season 1 and look forward to season 2. I think you and Nancy make a great comedy team and I look forward to more great entertainment in the future.
Hi Brent and Nancy
Brent, I so hope you will come to Grande Prairie to entertain us crazy northerners. I am pretty darn sure there is not one resident here who missed CORNER GAS and as well, GIGGLES.
You two have worked long and hard and committed a million or two hours to perfect your trade–and boy have you perfected it!
Hugs and huge applause. You are great role models.
Hi Brent & Team
My family and I are great fans of Corner Gas & Hiccups. We’ve bought all of the Corner Gas DVDs ages ago and have watched them over and over again. We’ve only just discovered Robson Arms & Hiccups – and love these as well. None of the shows have been on Australian TV in the last couple of years which is sad. Anyway, keep up the good work, we look forward to your next releases. Hope you are inspired to write some more. Best regards from Brisbane, Australia
bought hiccups off ebay.watched it yesterday and today.very good believeable.nothing will compare to corner gas.oscar and gang hilarious.i wish i could see more of canadian tv comedys.i enjoy all of them…….bring hiccups season 2 out as quick as possible good show
Waiting on release of Season Two here in the United States.
Really enjoyed Corner Gas, series and movie and season 1 of
Hiccup, hoping to get season 2 out soon.
its been 10 years. i need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Brian ^^^ said, it’s been 10 years! And we’d be happy to pester the distributor if you could tell us who they are. They’ve clearly done nothing, so wouldn’t you have a contractual right to choose a new distributor due to the first distributor’s non-performance? I know that episodes of Season 2 are accessible on YouTube, but only the last 5 or so episodes are decent. The first 7 or 8 episodes on YouTube are of such poor definition (240p if I remember correctly) they are unwatchable. It’s 2022, this kind of problem shouldn’t be happening. Amazon even has a program where DVDs of some old or low-volume shows are essentially burned and shipped on demand. It would be nice if Corner Gas fans in the US could get copies of or stream Hiccups season 2, Quarantine Fling, Art of Parking, etc.
I was looking for season two for my collection 🙁 any luck with the distributor?
Sorry, no news to report. I doubt very much that a physical copy of Hiccups will ever be available, which is sad.
Came here to find out about Hiccups Season 2 on DVD also.
Sadly, the distributor doesn’t seem to have any interest in releasing a physical media version. It’s unfortunate, but also out of my hands.